Get My $9.99 Ebook “The Email Cooking Pot” Completely For FREE

Your emails are getting ignored and thrown in the junk - and it could be entirely your fault…

If you are a business owner who wants a loyal fanbase for his brand AND wants to make a truckload of sales through email…

Then, it's maybe time to transition away from sending spammy ads-looking, generic discount offers, and bog standard "benefits-driven" emails...

To instead, cooking emails your list of subscribers CRAVE to consume -make them love your emails so much that they bypass the rest of their inbox just to find your name.

That’s what I will show you through real-life examples in my $9.99 ebook.

Here’s what “The Email Cooking Pot” will uncover to help you get your list nearly addicted to your emails:

-5 Email-Recipes top email marketers use that you MUST learn how to cook if you want great success for your business. (There will be examples, frameworks, and key elements to successfully help you craft those 5 high conversion, high-engagement emails)

-How to Make your subscribers engage with your brand so much that you start receiving love letters.

-A crash course on how to write nearly S-level emails by using some must-have persuasion tools.

-One of the oldest and most effective persuasion strategy to make your list buy YOUR products and not your competitor’s. (This persuasion strategy helps you create a vision inside your reader's brain which is known to be the highest level of persuasion)

Everything is kept practical with real-life examples, not just theory and fluff.

It is a short (and hopefully not boring) ebook making sure that you consume everything in one sitting and get straight into action right after finishing it.

Email is a medium you can fairly control, you can right away test the new knowledge you’ve acquired and start making money practically on command- write & send an email, then wait for the +$ notifications.

Here is more cool stuff you will find inside…:

-The most profitable way to profit from your knowledge writing a simple email reply (you’ll be giving advice like you are talking to a friend yet make yourself infinitely more persuasive, influential, and, most importantly profitable)

-The persuasive tool Robert Green uses to persuade you into believing his ideas (this persuasion tool worked so well that it made him a NY best seller every time he publishes a book)

-The only question every top DR marketer (like Dan Kennedy, and Gary Halbert…) asks himself before writing a winner email close or “CTA”

-The one writing element the current top email marketers like Matt Furey and Ben Settle use to create raving fans.

-A gentleman's sales tactic to include in every email you send (only good seducers know about this tactic, and it’s even mentioned in the book The Art of Seduction)

-The deadly mistake that could push your prospects to flee your business and set it to death and debt

-How to make your email list utterly hate you and how to avoid it (this is a mistake nearly all corporate marketers make that makes brands look fake and untrustworthy)

-The well-known secret among top marketers to create a high-converting email (this secret hits the sweet spot in your prospect psychology and turns him into an impulse buyer, so it’s a very dangerous weapon in the wrong hands)

Important Note!

This way of writing emails applies to every business model on the internet

Whether you have B2B or B2C…

You sell info products, digital or physical ones…

E-commerce, service-based, SAAS…

As long as you are selling to humans who can read 5th-grade English, you are good to go. (If your prospect is illiterate and doesn’t have an email address, this book won’t be a great investment)

Now here’s the deal,

Subscribe below with your name and email, and I'll send you a discount code that reduces the price of "The Email Cooking Pot" ebook from $9.99 to $0 - get the ebook now completely FREE.

Don’t worry, I hate spam myself plus it’s illegal, and I’m not a fan of Zuckerberg so I’m against leaking or selling private information.

Your info will stay private no matter what.

Have a good profitable time reading,


To contact me, here’s my email:

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